Top Visited Destinations


The country’s capital and economic and cultural center, Havana is, above all, synonymous for pleasure and entertainment. Bordered on the north by the sea....

Playas del Este

Of Cuba’s 300 natural beaches, Santa María is one of the most beautiful. Few cities in the world, like Havana, can take pride...


Due to its facilities and permanent development, Varadero is the beach tourist destination par excellence in Cuba. A long and thin strip of sand and...


Matanzas is one of Cuba’s tourist provinces, both for its capital city named after it and for its Varadero Beach and the rural areas of the Yumurí Valley and the Zapata Peninsula. Like so many other Cuban cities, Matanzas...

Santiago de Cuba

A Caribbean city with people of mixed race, of sea and mountains; characterized by its joyful and hospitable residents. Nothing is alien to Santiago from the island. It has been...